6 Tips for Effective
Survey Design

Oct 28, 2022

Conducting surveys can help gather feedback on a live product from a large number of participants. By collecting attitudinal data from targeted audiences, researchers can generate a range of possible problems and opportunities to explore, while validating, debunking, or elaborating their initial assumptions.

5 Best Practices for
Designing in Figma

Oct 20, 2022

Designing prototypes and wireframes with a tool as powerful as Figma can be exciting, but without a clear plan or goal, things can quickly get overwhelming. Let’s go over a few strategies to make the process as smooth as possible.

Color Theory & UI

Sep 22, 2022

Colors are everywhere, constantly affecting how we interpret information. As one of the core elements of visual communication, colors can change how we process messages, impacting both our emotions and actions.

MVPs & Feature Prioritization

Sep 19, 2022

How do you keep your project focused on one common goal to stay within time and budget constraints when seemingly endless solutions arise?

The 6 Principles of Interaction Design & How They Apply to Digital Products

Sep 12, 2022

Have you ever found a website difficult to navigate or an app frustrating to use? In the context of UX, interaction design focuses on the way that users interact with digital products.